
Thursday, December 23, 2010

People Inspired by Muhammad

An awesome social awareness campaign was launched in the UK recently. The Inspired by Muhammad campaign is designed to improve the public understanding of Islam and Muslims. It showcases Britons demonstrating how Muhammad inspires them to contribute to society, with a focus on women’s rights, social justice and the environment.

The campaign coincided with a national poll in the UK conducted by YOUGOV to gauge people's perceptions on Islam. The poll shows that:

Knowledge of Islam

60% say they don’t know very much about Islam

17% say they know nothing at all

33% would like to know more about Islam

Sources of information on Islam

57% obtain most of their information about Islam from the TV news

41% obtain their information about Islam from newspapers

Just 3% get most of their information on Islam from Muslim organisations

31% feel that information about Islam is not very accessible

5% say that information is not accessible at all

Perception of Islam

58% associate Islam with extremism

50% associate Islam with terrorism

Just 13% associate Islam with peace

6% associate Islam with justice

Only 16% think that Islam promotes fairness and equality

Only 6% believe that Islam promotes active measures to protect the environment

41% disagree or strongly disagree that Muslims have a positive impact on British society

69% believe that Islam encourages the repression of women

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